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Thursday, January 21, 2010

With Conviction

Do you have any convictions? We all claim to believe things, but we seem to have fewer and fewer convictions. Webster's dictionary defines conviction as "firm belief, convincing or being convinced to carry conviction, to bear the clear mark of convincing truth."

It seems to me that if we have convictions they should be obvious. They should be something that people see in us as we interact at the workplace, or at school, or with our family and friends. So often we have a weak set of beliefs that are little more than theoretical. They aren't really convictions that guide us, and they certainly aren't apparent to those around.

I wonder if this is a problem within the church. We hear preaching and teaching that doesn't really take a stand for anything. We don't like to talk about the things of which God has convicted us for fear of offending or making people uncomfortable. To be completely honest, I've come to a point where I would rather be offended than continue to hear people attempt to talk about God like He's simply a philosophy. If we can't find something about God to drive us and convict us, should we even attempt to be vessels to carry His Word? Is it possible that many of the issues we face as Christians come from a lack of clear conviction from God's Holy Spirit?


  1. I am convicted that the COG movement is at a possible standstill.

  2. I'm equally convicted that we need some reformation leaders to do something about it.

  3. Let me expand that comment. Most of the guys that we consider "leaders" in the movement spend too much time trying to gain political favor with other groups and the people around them to teach with any conviction. It seems like their only conviction is that they have no convictions.
