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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Carrying the Truth

In his final letter, the Apostle Paul told Timothy that the day would come when men would not endure sound doctrine.  He said they would find teachers who would tell them whatever their “itching ears” want to hear.  When Paul made that statement he understood that the world does not have a high tolerance for objective truth.  Man has a tendency to live however he wants to live, and justify whatever lifestyle he chooses.  The philosophy of our day is, “if it feels good do it.”  George Barna’s recent (2011) research shows the extent to which this philosophy has taken hold of our society:


Ø  43% of Americans believe that it doesn’t matter what religious faith you follow because they all teach the same lessons.

Ø  50% of Americans believe that all people are eventually saved or accepted by God no matter what they do.


In spite of the pluralistic views taught in this present day, the words of Os Guinness still

ring true, “If truth is truth, differences make a difference.”  Whether we acknowledge it or not, the truth revealed by God in His Word – truth about God – remains.  This truth cannot be explained away, or overcome by the philosophy of man.  It is our objective standard, it does not change and is not subject to our ideas, opinions, or the values of whatever culture we happen to be a part of.  The truth is always the truth.  It originates with a God who transcends all these things. 

The purpose of all God does in the life of man is to reveal this truth, which shows us the character of God.  It clarifies and confirms His love for us, and teaches His desire to be an active part of our lives.  This revelation is what gave the patriarchs and those who have followed God the faith to live by His command.  This revelation is what empowered the people of Israel to follow Joshua into a hostile territory based solely on God’s promise to His people.  During these times, the truth was represented by the Ark of the Covenant, or the Ark of Testimony.

The Ark was a part of every movement that the people of Israel made.  It was not simply an object used in worship, but it represented the truth that the nation was called to carry into the world when Abraham was told, “through you all nations shall be blessed.” 

It reminded the people of God’s authority when they thought of the staff of Aaron that was contained there.  When the people began to question the authority of those whom God had called to lead His people the staffs of the leaders of the tribes were taken into the tabernacle.  The elders of each tribe sent a staff, and Aaron also placed his with them.  The next morning the staff of Aaron was growing leaves and even budding.  It produced fruit, and proved that God had indeed given authority to those who lead His people. 

The ark also reminded them of God’s provision.  The jar of manna contained inside reminded the people of the provision Jehovah made for them as they wandered through the wilderness.  No matter where they went, or what they did, if they followed God’s revealed truth He always provided everything they needed.

They were also reminded of the terms of the covenant they made with God.  The law that had been given to Moses was carried by Israel to remind them of the God they served, and the promises that they had made to Him.  This truth defined how the people lived, and was the example of what separated them from the other nations of the world. 

The testimony of these things was carried everywhere the people went.  When the pillar of cloud moved from the tabernacle, the people packed up their camp and moved wherever God had gone.  The priests covered the ark in animal skin and moved the ark.  The people of Israel went wherever this reminder of “truth” led them.  It was a constant part of their lives.  Those who carried this truth affected where they went, and the speed at which they would travel.  These priests carried the tangible evidence of God for all to see.

While the law written on tablets by the hand of God are not a part of our worship, or our lives today, God’s truth still needs to be carried for all to see.  It must be carried as a light in this world darkened by sin.  This role given to the priests of God so many years ago remains essential to God’s people – the church – today.  We are each called to be priests, and no matter who we are there is a purpose for us.  God has placed the truth before each of us, and it is our responsibility to answer the call – to place our shoulders under the Ark of the Testimony of God and carry it into the world in which we live.

If you haven’t noticed, the world around us is in desperate need of truth.  If we lack anything in the church, it is those who are willing to pick up the truth of God and carry it wherever He calls us to take it.  The truth remains, the need of the world is great, will we carry the truth of God?


            Those who carry the truth of God must be prepared to move when God’s call comes.  The Ark was intended to be mobile, so that God’s Testimony and truth would forever be a presence among the people of Israel.  They shall make an ark of acacia wood…You shall overlay it with pure gold…you shall cast four rings of gold for it and put them on its four feet…You shall make poles of acacia wood and overlay them with gold.  And you shall put the poles into the rings on the sides of the ark TO CARRY THE ARK BY THEM (Exodus 25:10-14).  God has always called man to WALK WITH HIM, not to simply sit with Him.  This life is a journey, and adventure of faith and holiness according to Kenneth Jones. 

            God’s truth has not been revealed to us only for our own pleasure and enjoyment.  It is to be carried into all the world for every generation.  There has never been a culture or society to whom the truth of God does not apply.  It is good for every age and each generation.  That’s why Scripture commands us to DO SOMETHING WITH God’s Word.  We are commanded to TEACH others what God has revealed:


Ø  Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, TEACHING THEM to observe all that I have commanded you (Matthew 28:18, 19)…

Ø  And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also (2 Timothy 2:2).


Each generation requires more than the existence of the truth.  They need people who

will take up the Ark and carry the truth into their lives.  Those who will answer God’s call to teach them to “be disciples” and who will, Preach the word, be ready in season and out (2 Timothy 4:2).  This generation requires each of us to carry it in some way.  There are some who are called to deliver God’s truth to their Sunday school classes, or Bible studies, or even small groups.  Others are called to leave their homes and go into the missions fields and the far reaches of the earth to deliver God’s word to man.  Still others are called to teach and preach this truth to the church.  To continually remind us of the character and work of God that has been revealed in Scripture.  To help us remember to apply this truth to the lives we live. 


            Those who choose to carry this truth must be prepared to walk by faith.  When the people crossed the Jordan River the priests were commanded to take up the Ark and walk 2,000 cubits ahead of the people.  That’s almost equivalent to half a mile, and into hostile territory!  They had to trust that God would provide the way for their safe passage, and that the people of Israel would follow.  They would be left alone in the land of their enemies if the people did not come after them. 

            Sometimes carrying the truth is unpopular, and at times it will be lonely.  The people of God proved throughout the Old Testament that they did not always truth His truth.  But if they were going to carry the truth into the land God was giving them someone had to lead the way.  Someone had to set the example of truth in God and His promises as they showed a confidence that God would do what He said He would do.  Joshua told the people that they would see God “do wonders” on that day, but before they would be seen the priests who carried the Ark had to be willing to take a step of faith. 

            Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us (Ephesians 3:20)…  God still works in our day.  He still does wonders and performs the miraculous in the lives of His people.  But if these things are going to happen in the world today, someone has to be willing to follow God BY FAITH.  We look for His works, and long for the days when the church has an effect on the world rather than the world changing us, but how many are really willing to follow God by faith? 

            God’s work ALWAYS ADVANCES when people who claim to believe His truth begin to ACT LIKE they believe it.  In all of history, God has never failed in anything He has ever done.  The only failures in God’s work have come as a result of men and women who were not willing to truth His Word and surrender themselves to His guidance and truth.  They know what the Bible says, and what God has commanded us, but when that truth seems improbable or does not meet the standard of our reason and logic they revert to their own ideas. 

            Sometimes the call of God to carry the truth seems impossible.  It doesn’t make sense to us, and we just can’t see how it would be possible to do what the Holy Spirit is leading us to do.  But God’s work will never be done, and entire generations will never receive His truth, if we do not take up the truth in spite of our reservations and fears.  To carry the truth requires our faith.


            Those who carry the truth realize that this faith is possible because God Himself travels before them.  Nothing in all of creation can overcome the power and promises of God.  Jesus said, all power and authority has been given to me and I am with you always…  God told Isaiah, No weapon that’s fashioned against you will stand (Isaiah 54:17)…  God told Jeremiah, I am with you to deliver you (Jeremiah 1:8)…  If we really have the faith we claim to have, then there is nothing to fear when God calls us to take up the Ark.

            What fears might be keeping us from carrying this truth today?  Sometimes the opinions of family or friends keeps us from pursuing God’s call.  It’s not always popular to take up this Ark.  Many times it’s fear of the commitment it would take to follow God’s call.  For some a fear of the unknown, and a sense of uncertainty keeps them from following where God is leading.  ALL OF THESE THINGS reflect on our faith in God and His truth and each obstacle can be overcome if we are willing to follow God.  For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control (2 Timothy 1:7).  These fears can be overcome as what seemed like certainty is revealed to us as new and exciting paths given by God and directed by the Holy Spirit.


            Those who carry the truth will constantly walk new paths into uncharted territory.  The priests of Israel carried the Ark into a land where the people had never been.  It was a new experience for all who followed.  Consider the faith of God’s people to go into new lands.  Abram was called to a place he did not know, and to follow a God he could not see.  Moses was called to lead people who had no home of their own.  Joshua led them to conquer the land into which they were passing.  John the Baptist proclaimed a gospel nobody had yet heard. 

            Where might God’s call be leading you today?  There may be some who are called by God to pastor other congregations.  There are some who will be called to the mission field to carry God’s truth to the furthest ends of the earth.  Others may not be called so far.  There are Sunday school classes, Bible studies, and children’s ministries that need the truth.  There are people around us who need to see God’s truth as it’s carried in the lives of believers.  Some may be your family members.  Many may even live in some of our own homes.  God wants more than anything else to reveal Himself, and His truth, to this lost and dying world.  The Ark of the Covenant is gone, but the truth remains.  Where are the priests who will carry it?

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