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Friday, February 12, 2010


In 1787, Thomas Jefferson wrote, "I hold that a little rebellion from time to time is a good thing." I hereby resolve to rebel against the following:

-The idea that "we're all sinners" and that we "sin every day." ("Go and sin no more" teaches us that this is wrong)

-The belief that "holiness teaching is not practical." (The Bible says without holiness no one will see the Lord)

-The belief that holiness is not one of the "essentials" of Bible doctrine ("Be holy for I am holy" is pretty clear)

-The idea that preaching and teaching the Bible "should not be the top priority" for pastors. ("How shall they hear without a preacher?" Romans 10:14)

-The belief that "people don't really want to hear doctrine." (I no longer care what they want. I want ice cream for breakfast every day, but it's not what I need)

From this point on, I will no longer allow these statements to be made without questioning them. I will not ignore them and move on. I will not use the excuse "we'll never agree on everything." I find that most of the people who use that excuse really don't even try. On this day, I resolve to rebel against the emerging, unbiblical, unholy, ungodly, beast-riding harlot that is taking the place of the church in our day. I hope you will join me.

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