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Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Necessity of Fellowship

"Then the Lord God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him."  -Genesis 2:18

Adam was the pinnacle of God's creation.  Created in the very image of a holy God.  He lived in the place that God had created for him and lived in harmony and fellowship with God.  In spite of all this, God still saw a need for man to have someone else.  Someone with whom he could share his joys and all the things of life.  God created man with a need for fellowship.

So often I hear people say, "I don't need to go to church to be a Christian." Where does this idea come from?  What makes us think that we do not need relationships with the people of God?  God had looked at all that He had created and proclaimed it to be good.  But for man there was something even better.  It was a relationship with others.  It was fellowship.

We sometimes look at fellowship as simply having a meal together or spending a little bit of time together.  It is so much more.  God created us to share with one another our joys and our burdens.  Our sorrows, trials and triumphs.  God has put us all here together to pursue Him alongside of each other.  We are not alone as we seek to know Him.  We are always accompanied by other people who are in pursuit of the holiness of God just as we are.  Too much of the Christianity of our day is focused on "what God can do for me" and not living in a fellowship of holiness together.  As I search Scripture for the meaning of the fellowship that God has given us, I become increasingly convinced that it is so much more than what we often experience.  God has placed us here so that we might experience holiness together.

"But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another..." -1 John 1:7