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Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Prevailing God

Every year during the holiday season it becomes more and more apparent that man has succeeded in making Christmas (the celebration of the birthday of Jesus) about us.  We make our lists of what we want so that they can be distributed to all of our friends and family members.  Stores have taken any reference to Christ out of their advertising and displays, and schools have replaced Christmas concerts with Holiday concerts.  Man has done everything in his power to overcome the presence and power of God.  The time has come for us to pray the prayer of David.  "Arise, O Lord!  Let not man prevail..." (Psalm 9:19)

How many of us can honestly pray such a prayer?  We fill our days with activity after activity that will allow us to accomplish our ambition and meet our goals while giving little - if any - thought to what God desires to accomplish through us.  We wonder why the church seems impotent and powerless in our society today, and why our influence has diminished to the point where we are looked at as a fringe group of lunatics.  It's because our desire is not for God to prevail over man.  We want to see man get his way.  We want earthly success and great accomplishments to be admired by generations to come. 

If we are ever to be the church that God has called us to be, and the Christians that He wants us to be, it will be because God has arisen and prevailed over man.  This will never take place until we can honestly pray, as David prayed so many years ago, "Let not man prevail..."